Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I place an order with GlobalIndianMart?
To order from GlobalIndianMart, simply visit GlobalIndianMart.com, browse our products, add items to your cart, proceed to checkout, provide your contact details, shipping/billing address, and payment information, then confirm your order.

2. Which countries does GlobalIndianMart ship to?
Currently, we ship to the USA, Australia, and Canada. For more information, please refer to our shipping page.

3. What is the average delivery time?
The average delivery time ranges between 2 to 25 business days from the dispatch date, excluding customs clearance.

4. Is the product in stock?
We maintain stock for most items. Contact us for availability updates.

5. When will my order be dispatched?
Orders are typically dispatched within 1-5 business days.

6. Will GlobalIndianMart replace damaged items during transit?
Yes, we will either refund or replace damaged items according to our return policy.

7. Will I receive a refund if I cancel my order?
We offer refunds for orders canceled within 1 hour or if the order has not been processed.

8. How will I know if my order has been acknowledged?
An order confirmation email will be sent to your registered email address.

9. Whom should I contact for complaints?
You can contact us 24/7 via phone, email, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, or live chat on our website.

10. Can GlobalIndianMart deliver items not listed on the website?
Yes, you can suggest a product on our Suggest a Product page.

11. Do I need to pay extra for taxes or customs?
No, all taxes and customs are included in the order value.

12. What are the liabilities of GlobalIndianMart?
We provide a platform for international sellers and offer support to customers and sellers, but we are not liable for products and shipping.

13. How can I contact GlobalIndianMart?
For seller inquiries, email info@GlobalIndianMart.com. For other inquiries, contact our Customer Support Team at the same email address.